Cara membuat kotak iklan di blog

Cara membuat kotak iklan di blog 

pasang iklan baris gratis tanpa daftar Blogging buddy work should produce a profit . Blogging bother doing for my friend but no produce. So what we gain from Blogging ?One is the presence of advertising . So , if there are advertisements on the blog buddy , then the installer should pay the predetermined rates . So we must strive to make the Blogger blog as good as possible so our Blog crowded and interesting person to serve ads on our Blog .
To make it easier for advertisers to advertise on your blog , provide good buddy box banner ad .
Creating Banner Ads :1 . Provide Promotional Images for advertising. The image should be interesting as animated images . To create an animation with an interesting effect , one way is to make the animated banner .2 . If the Picture has been prepared , then log into your account pal pal Blogger .3 . Log in to the template and select Edit HTML .4 . Find the code ] ] > < / b : skin> , in order to more easily use the ctrl + F.5 . Enter the following code above the code ] ] > < / b : skin> .
# super - beeads { margin : 0px ; padding : 0px ; text-align : center}# super - beeads img { margin : 1px 1px ; text-align : center ; - webkit - border- radius : 5px ; - moz - border- radius : 5px ; border- radius : 5px ; - webkit - box - shadow : 1px 2px 1px # ccc ; - moz - box - shadow : 1px 1px 2px # ccc ; box - shadow : 1px 1px 2px # ccc ; }# super - beeads img : hover { - moz - opacity : 0.7 ; opacity : 0.7 ; filter : alpha ( opacity = 70 ) ; }

My friend can make 4 squares with the position advertisement as well as 2 rows x 2 columns .For more details , here's an example of the results pembuatanya :
How to Create Banner Ads in Blog
Consider, for code red is the distance between the top of the box advertising advertising box below , while blue is the distance between the box and the box left ad right ad . Adjust the wishes buddy .
6 . When finished , save the template mate .7 . The next stage , my friend went into the Layout .8 . Click add gadget on the part where my friend will put an ad box .9 . Enter the following code , (adjust how would buddy box for ads ) .
<div id="super-beeads"><a target="_blank" title="Title-Iklan"> obat aborsi href="Masukkan-Url" alt="Alt/Text Gambar" <img border="0" src="Url Gambar" /> < / a><a target="_blank" title=" href="Masukkan-Url" Title-Iklan"> alt="Alt/text Gambar" <img border="0" src="Url Gambar" /> < / a><a target="_blank" title="Title-Iklan"> href="Masukkan-Url" alt="Alt/Text Gambar" <img border="0" src="Url Gambar" /> < / a><a target="_blank" title="Title-Iklan"> href="Masukkan-Url" alt="Alt/Text Gambar" <img border="0" src="Url Gambar" /> < / a>< / div >
How to Advertise on Blog ( in Part Right Left )How to Advertise on Blog ( in Part Right Left ) - Responding to questions arising from my article yesterday How to Make a Blog Banner Online .. " After making a banner , then how do I set it up on our blog ? " Responding to the question I think you might as well if I make an article about it ..
For this case we do not need to edit the blog template , we need to do is add the widget HTML / JAVA script on our blog .. Ad formats appear somewhat like the ads on the left side of this blog . Which makes it more interesting , I also include a close button so that when visitors get annoyed with the ads you show , then he can easily cover the ad ..
Just go ahead , please note the following steps :
How to Advertise on Blog ( in Part Right Left )

You must first log in using your blogger account ..

Please go to menu LAYOUT

Click the ADD GADGET in any part , as the result will be the same .. And select HTML / JAVA script ..

Now copy the following script into the HTML script column .. jasa pembuatan toko online murah ( Script below to display advertisements on the left of the blog )
Ads Script Left
<script type='text/javascript'>$ (document ) . ready (function ( ) {$ ( ' img # closed ' ) . click (function ( ) {$ ( ' # btm_banner ' ) . hide ( 90 ) ;} ) ;} ) ;< / script >
<script type="text/javascript"> var a = navigator , b = " useragent " , c = " indexOf " , f = " & m = 1 " , g = " ( ^ | & ) m = " , h = " ? " , i = " ? m = 1 " ; function j ( ) { var d = window.location.href , e = d.split ( h ) ; switch ( e.length ) {case 1 : return d + i ; case 2 : return 0 < = e [ 1 ] . engines ( g ) ? null : d + f ; default : return null } } if ( -1 ! = a [ b ] [ c ] ( " Mobile " ) && -1 ! = a [ b ] [ c ] ( " WebKit " ) == -1 && a [ b ] [ c ] ( " iPad " ) | | -1 ! = a [ b ] [ c ] ( " Opera Mini " ) | | -1 ! = a [ b ] [ c ] ( " IEMobile " ) ) { var k = j ( ) ; window.location.replace && k ( k ) } ;< / script > <script type="text/javascript">if ( window.jstiming ) window.jstiming.load.tick ( ' headend ' ) ;< / script >
< ! - start : floating ads - > obat telat bulan<div id="teaser2" style="width:autopx; height:0; text-align:left; display:scroll;position:fixed; top:0px;left:0px;">
<div> <a href="#" id="close-teaser" onclick="document.getElementById('teaser2').style.display = 'none';" style="cursor:pointer;"> <center> < img< ! - Start - >Advertising your Script< ! - End - >< / div >< ! - end : floating ads - >

Note the RED color code given on the box above .. Please change your ad script degan .. But of course you have to replace it with a vertical ad format .. So that the size fits from top to bottom .. Keep your ad size 160 px X 600 px .

click on SAVE

The next step is to add advertising to the right side of the blog .. You are still on the menu LAYOUT .. Select ADD GADGET again and select HTML / JAVA script ..
peluang usaha online Ads Script Right
<script type='text/javascript'>$ (document ) . ready (function ( ) {$ ( ' img # closed ' ) . click (function ( ) {$ ( ' # btm_banner ' ) . hide ( 90 ) ;} ) ;} ) ;< / script >
<script type="text/javascript"> var a = navigator , b = " useragent " , c = " indexOf " , f = " & m = 1 " , g = " ( ^ | & ) m = " , h = " ? " , i = " ? m = 1 " ; function j ( ) { var d = window.location.href , e = d.split ( h ) ; switch ( e.length ) {case 1 : return d + i ; case 2 : return 0 < = e [ 1 ] . engines ( g ) ? null : d + f ; default : return null } } if ( -1 ! = a [ b ] [ c ] ( " Mobile " ) && -1 ! = a [ b ] [ c ] ( " WebKit " ) == -1 && a [ b ] [ c ] ( " iPad " ) | | -1 ! = a [ b ] [ c ] ( " Opera Mini " ) | | -1 ! = a [ b ] [ c ] ( " IEMobile " ) ) { var k = j ( ) ; window.location.replace && k ( k ) } ;< / script > <script type="text/javascript">if ( window.jstiming ) jual alat bantu sex window.jstiming.load.tick ( ' headend ' ) ;< / script >

How to Put Ads on Blogs - Yesterday we 've discussed in this blog about How to Advertise on Kaskus . Well this time will be discussed again about trick or How to Put Ads in Blog . Blogs that will advertise here is a blogspot or blogger , and advertising is fitted on this blog is the future of PPC advertising from . To be more clear about what the PPC , then friends can read through previous posts , namely the Best Local PPC .
In this paper I consider my friends already have their respective blogs . Here it means I will not teach you how to create a blog again . But only friends will guide on how to advertise on your blog .
For ads of can be installed through your blog , alat bantu sex the one thing that must be done first is to be a publisher or publishers of kliksaya . The way that we can be a publisher is to first register at the site through
A. The steps to register as a publisher are as follows :
1 . visit address2 . A registration form will appear as shown in the image below:How to Advertise on Blog - in the " User ID option " please select your user id , for example ( karocyber )
- In the " Email " fill in your email , where email is loaded here must be valid for delivery atomatis password will be conducted by the to your email address .
- In the " greeting " hello please call you " Mr. or Mrs. "
- For the " Full Name " please enter your full name .
- In the " Address " please write your complete address . bisnis online
- In the " Zip Code " Please enter your zip code address .
- In the " city " please fill in your hometown .
- pembesar penis In the " Phone " please enter your phone number . But for those who do not have the phone number of this field can be blank .- In the " Mobile " please enter your mobile phone number . If you do not have a phone number , then this option should also be emptied .
- Then click the button " Register "
3 . Your email Checks
4 . Via email you will get a password to login to
B. Log in stages kliksaya
After registering , you will get a publisher account at . Well here I will share how to log in kliksaya publishers . As its phases are as follows : obat pembesar penis
1 . visit pub.kliksaya.com2 . Display will look like in the picture below :- In the " Username" fill in accordance with a username when you first sign up .
- In the " Password " fill in accordance with the password that was sent to the email address you kliksaya .
- Then click " Login "
C. Stages take the script ( code ) blog posted an ad for you .
Once logged in , then the next step is to take the script or ad code for your blog installed . As for the stages you have to do is as follows :1 . Once you 've successfully logged in to kliksaya , it will look like the following :

- Click the " wisata pulau pari Ad Zones " to create ad zones that will be obtained through this zone ad script .
2 . After the " Ad Zones " you click on a new page will appear as shown in the following image :- In the " SUBMENU " Please select the type of ad you want to show your blog later . Here I assume you would put text ads , and thus it is selected in the " SUBMENU " is " Text Ad Zone "
- Please click on the " Add Text Ads Zones " as seen in the image above .
3 . Once the " Add Text Ad Zone " you click , it will display a new look as seen in the picture below :
- In the " SELECT SIZE " please select the size of text ads that will be installed later your blog . When you select a size , then the sample size will be directly visible under the words " Sample Ad Zone "
- In the " Select Color " please adjust the color of your ad with the color of your blog pulau pari  template .
- In the " Site Name " Please enter the name of your blog .
- In the " Site URL " Please enter your blog url .
- In the " Description of Site " Please add a description of your blog , for example, " blog with the entertainment theme visited over 1000 visitors every day "
- In the " Zone Name " please enter the name of the advertising zones that you would want to make, such as " Ad Zone Side "
= pasang iklan online In the " Auto - Approve " Please select " Yes "
- Please click the " Add Text Ad Zone "
4 . Once the " Add Text Ad Zone " You click , you will see the following display :
- In the " Category " please select " News "
- In the " Subcategory " please select " Entertainment "
- Click on the button " Change Tag "
5 . After the "Change Tag " you click , then it looks like the following display :
- Please Copy javascrip script or code that is inside the box .
D. Installing Ad kliksaya in your blog .
1 . Please login to your blog .
2 . Click on the " Design "
3 . Click on the " Add Gadget obat aborsi "
4 . Choose the " HTML / JavaScript "
5 . Display will look like this:
- In the " Title " Please insert the title of your ad , such as " Ad "
- In the " Content " Please enter a script or code that you copied earlier from kliksaya .
- Then click the "Save "
6 . View your blog . If the above steps are done correctly , it will show ads on your blog kliksaya .
obat telat bulan Please note that ads will not appear immediately kliksaya . However, initially only the note " Advertise Here " your blog . That means that since you just signed up , so kliksaya not meriview your blog . Wait in 1 x 24 hours , then the words " Advertise Here " will be changed to the advertisements given by the kliksaya to be published in our blog .
Good luck , for friends who do not understand the above explanations , I propose we ask through the comments , hopefully I can answer your question as soon as possible . Regards ...< ! - start : floating ads - ><div id="teaser2" style="width:autopx; height:0; text-align:left; display:scroll;position:fixed; top:0px;right:0px;">
<div> <a href="#" id="close-teaser" onclick="document.getElementById('teaser2').style.display = 'none';" style="cursor:pointer;"> <center> < img pasang iklan massal< ! - Start - >Your Ad Script< ! - End - >< / div >< ! - end : floating ads - > jual alat bantu sex

Note the RED color code given on the box above .. Please change your ad script degan .. But of course you have to replace it with a vertical ad format .. So that the size fits from top to bottom .. Keep your ad size 160 px X 600 px .

If you have click SAVE
The ad script can be obtained from various sources , be it from ppc advertising services such as AdsenseCamp , ppcindo , kumpulblogger , advertising sitti .. In addition you can also use a banner to advertise a particular product or service .. To manufacture a banner you can click the link section earlier post ..
Well alat bantu sex I think that's it , hopefully useful and thanks for reading the article How to Advertise on Blog ( in Part Right Left )
Note , for red is the color code Url destination image , green is the color code for the Title picture , yellow is the color code for Alt / Text Picture , for a code blue is the image url .The above code will generate 4 images in this order: top left , top right , bottom left and bottom right . Please remove one if not needed .My friend can enter the Url advertising campaign in the picture , or if it has any input buddy who advertise ad destination url of the image.
10 . Save your work buddy and see the results .source : Super - Bee
# Or if my friend would put an ad in the style standard , just add the gadget in position buddy want , select fashion HTML / Javascript , and input the following code . Advance notice of the course mate must be able to accommodate a large sidebar image .
Browse> Recent List > Deleted > How to Make a Box Advertising pulau tidung In Blog11:09How to Make a Box Advertising In Blog
How to make a box ad in the actual blog I 've been meaning to post , but there are obstacles that prevent me from making mempostingya post box to make this advert to be delayed . On this happy occasion , while there is time to spare , I will post them and share guides and how to create a blog especially on how to create the ad box to the box you want to put ads on the blogs that you have .
Creating space advertising box on the blog will provide an opportunity for you to get the dollars that you want. Because when you make a blog ad box space you have, you are indirectly giving an opportunity for others who want to advertise on your blog . Especially if you have a popular blog and have traffic and google page rank of high , then the advertisers will continue to arrive to put ads on your blog . But it would not hurt if you do not already have a blog a high traffic also want to provide pulau tidung advertisements city space , which is clearly an opportunity to earn dollars of advertising is still there . Sipemasang might also want to put their ads ads on your blog , it can be collected hefty money to buy dent , hehe ..
For those of you who are interested to make the advertising box on the blog , let us consider together the following tutorial :

Prepare a picture or image that we want to put on ad space measuring 125 x 125 px , so that the image looks interesting and has the effect of making you please read the banner and flash animation . Then save the images on an image hosting such as photobucket penyipanan to get the image url that we will need.

for example :

how to make a box ad in blogspot
If so, we will make the space ad box , login to your blogger account wisata pulau tidung
Click for the design or layout using the new blogger dashboard
Then click Edit HTML and find this code ] ] > < / b : skin> (use ctrl + f ) to facilitate the search
Paste the CSS code above the code ] ] > < / b : skin>
Then save your template
The next step back to the page element and click add gadget > select HTML / Javascript
Copy and paste the HTML code ( first edit to include link and image url of the image you want to use )
Save your work and see the results
CSS Code Ad

# super - beeads {
margin : 0px ; padding : 0px ; text-align : center
# super - beeads img {
margin : 1px 1px ;
    wisata pulau tidung
text-align : center ;
- webkit - border- radius : 5px ;
- moz - border- radius : 5px ;
border- radius : 5px ;
- webkit - box - shadow : 1px 1px 2px # ccc ;
- moz - box - shadow : 1px 1px 2px # ccc ;
box - shadow : 1px 1px 2px # ccc ;
# super - beeads img : hover {
- moz - opacity : 0.7 ; opacity : 0.7 ; filter : alpha ( opacity = 70 ) ;
HTML Code Ads

<div id="super-beeads">
<a target="_blank" title="Title-Iklan"> href="Masukkan-Url" alt="Alt/Text Gambar" <img border="0" src="Url Gambar" /> < / a>
<a target="_blank" title=" href="Masukkan-Url" Title-Iklan"> alt="Alt/text Gambar" <img border="0" src="Url Gambar" /> < / a>
<a target="_blank" title="Title-Iklan"> href="Masukkan-Url" alt="Alt/Text Gambar" <img border="0" src="Url Gambar" /> < / a>
<a target="_blank" title="Title-Iklan"> href=" pulau tidung Masukkan-Url" alt="Alt/Text Gambar" <img border="0" src="Url Gambar" /> < / a>
< / div >
Space box above ad is an ad box space which consists of 4 parts: top left , top right and bottom left and bottom right . If you are cold reduces the space ad box , you can delete the code

<a target="_blank" title="TITLE-IKLAN"> href="MASUKKAN-URL" alt="ALT/TEXT GAMBAR" <img border="0" src="URL GAMBAR" /> < / a>
above .
So how to make a box ads in the blog that I can say , I'll see you on the next tutorial and I wish you good luck .

Post By : Jasa SEO Murah dan Jasa Desain Website Murah

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