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UAT Qiimo markii laysu tago wakhtiga ku haboon

UAT Qiimo markii laysu tago wakhtiga ku haboon

UAT Qiimo markii laysu tago wakhtiga ku haboon si ay xaqiiqdii ku riyoon qaar ka mid ah raggii hore u yihiin in reerBintaro Xchange Mall  ka xidhiidh . qaba duration dheer , labo waxay noqon kartaa ku faraxsan yihiin inay wada noolaanshaha qoyska waxaa lagu sugi karaa oo tayo leh .
ugu sahan muujinaya sida dheer iyo waarta xiriirka u dhow ah ee looga shakisan yahay sida isir ka mid ah Maleesiya, ee wax arrin jacayl waadaxa ah . Nin kastaa doonayo in uu qabto jirka caafimaad leh iyo xoog had iyo jeer xoog badan oo . Halkan waxaa ka mid ah cunto miidhan in ay noqon kartaa waxbarasho militery ah ee aad dusha u shaqayn si ay u tahay dhalatada oo caafimaad leh iyo awood loogu talagalay ragga la abuuro .

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Mid ka mid ah item another nuts

Wixii sinjibiil iyo arrimha jiiska ka dibna qallocan si ay u helaan biyo , tuujin ama liin ayaa sidoo kale qaadan biyaha . Markaas for basbaas , hufaya miraha bunka , another nuts , dhulka wada budeeyey . Marka dhammaan agabka loogu diyaar u yihiin disatuakan juice ee sinjibiil , arrimha siyaasadda , casiirka liinta tumbukn budada geliyo weel ah. Jebi, oo wuxuu soo geli 5 ukunta oo aan u qadashada luminaysid , aqbasho 7 qaadooyin of sumua malab la sii wado si wada garaac ilaa Cuntadan .

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FG .
Geedo Tani waa wax ku ool u ah kuwa aan hada la kulmaya macaanka iyo chemicals iyo shahwada .
Reply With Quote Reply With Quote10-12-201
Hotel Murah Di Jakarta 3 , 04:44 # 2memberbarumemberbaru waa offlineFirfircoon Member
UAT Qiimo markii laysu tago wakhtiga ku haboon si ay xaqiiqdii ku riyoon qaar ka mid ah raggii hore u yihiin in reerBintaro Xchange Mall  ka xidhiidh . qaba duration dheer , labo waxay noqon kartaa ku faraxsan yihiin inay wada noolaanshaha qoyska waxaa lagu sugi karaa oo tayo leh .
ugu sahan muujinaya sida dheer iyo waarta xiriirka u dhow ah ee looga shakisan yahay sida isir ka mid ah Maleesiya, ee wax arrin jacayl waadaxa ah . Nin kastaa doonayo in uu qabto jirka caafimaad leh iyo xoog had iyo jeer xoog badan oo . Halkan waxaa ka mid ah cunto miidhan in ay noqon kartaa waxbarasho militery ah ee aad dusha u shaqayn si ay u tahay dhalatada oo caafimaad leh iyo awood loogu talagalay ragga la abuuro .

Qalabka - qalabka loo baahan yahay:

Todoba qaado oo malab
Saddex farood ee sinjibiil
Saddex farta arrimha
Saddex liin macaanta
Shan badar ee ukunta digaagga
Sagaal badar oo ah basbaaska madow
Kow iyo toban kala hufaya miraha bunka in la dubay .
Mid ka mid ah item another nuts

Wixii sinjibiil iyo arrimha jiiska ka dibna qallocan si ay u helaan biyo , tuujin ama liin ayaa sidoo kale qaadan biyaha . Markaas for basbaas , hufaya miraha bunka , another nuts , dhulka wada budeeyey . Marka dhammaan agabka loogu diyaar u yihiin disatuakan juice ee sinjibiil , arrimha siyaasadda , casiirka liinta tumbukn budada geliyo weel ah. Jebi, oo wuxuu soo geli 5 ukunta oo aan u qadashada luminaysid , aqbasho 7 qaadooyin of sumua malab la sii wado si wada garaac ilaa Cuntadan .

Marka dhan Cuntadan waxaa lagu wa
JOKIBET.COM Agen Casino Online Terpercayada isku qasan ka dibna la qalajiyey noqon wax brownish ahaa sida lunkhead ah . Tallaabada xigta waa in adiga , sida badan badar loo isticmaali lahaa sida doogga , sinji, lagama maarmaanka u ah dihabisakan hore ee waqtiga u dhexeeya hal toddobaad ilaa saddex asbuuc .

FG .
Geedo Tani waa wax ku ool u ah kuwa aan hada la kulmaya macaanka iyo chemicals iyo shahwada .
Reply With Quote Reply With Quote10-12-201
Hotel Murah Di Jakarta 3 , 04:44 # 2memberbarumemberbaru waa offlineFirfircoon Member
UAT Qiimo markii laysu tago wakhtiga ku haboon
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Exotic face , women most exciting known Jew in the Middle East countries

Exotic face , women most exciting known Jew in the Middle East countries

Exotic face , women most exciting known Jew in the Middle East countries . Most of them lined up to be a model , television host , and Forum terbesar di indonesiaother professions such elegance and accentuate the body .
Not only beautiful , they are also known because of his intelligence in various fields . Reporting from site , the 10 women he most handsome Jew and known universal . Here's his review .1 . Neri Oxman
Neri Oxman an architect , researcher , building designers , and engineers . He blend of beauty and intelligence . Oxman also a humanitarian actors , especially about women grapevine .Born in Israel , Jew thick , Oxman became a teaching assistant for the department of science and technology development . He worked in government agencies that develop in accordance with the urban environment and greening .Oxman also became the most influential women in Israel . He never held an exhibition in the United States , France , and China .

2 . Eva Green
KAISARBET.COM AGEN BOLA TERPERCAYA PIALA DUNIA 2014 Green is mentioned the most beautiful celebrities in the world . He was Jewish -born French . However, he did not want to confess about his faith . He chose to believe in God without any further talk of religion was followed.Eva was chosen to be the girl in the James Bond movie Casino Royale . Many people claim him to be the most beautiful woman in the history of the bond that movie .

3 . Dianna Agron
Born and raised in the United States , but Dianna Agron has Jewish blood viscous . His parents emigrated from Israel and met in the Superpower . As a child , his talent in acting was in sight . He also became a star at the school and led the cheerleading group . Her beauty makes men subject .But Agron had unpleasant experiences . While sitting in elementary school , he never felt the violence and harassment of those who are anti- Semitic .

4 . Bar Refaeli

Supermodel Bar Refaeli became the best selling universal and includes one of the most perfect women's magazine FHM UK output in 2009 .Her relationship with famous actor Leonardo DiCaprio also raised modellingnya career . Because of this relationship , he sent a letter by the national organization of Jewish Israelis not to marry those who are not Jewish .

5 . Gal Gadot
Gal Gadot was born in the city of Rosh Haayin ,

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Israel . He is known because her role in the movie Fast & Furious . Gadot also won the event 's daughter beauty of Israel in 2004 and became the Zionist State representative in the race daughter aka Miss Universe .Gadot famous in his homeland . Popular addition , he is also known as a controversial and labeled pornographic by some celebrity among members of the Israeli parliament , the Knesset .

6 . Emmy Rossum
Emmy Rossum is a famous theater performers from Israel . He was raised by a single parent mother that educates Rossum loving but disciplined .Since childhood , Rossum had follow- play theater in six languages ​​. He was finally lined up to play in the most prestigious universal script , Phantom of the Opera in the film version .

7 . Moran Atias
Moran Atias is an Israeli supermodel mother and father were Jewish Morocco . In his teens , Moran has signed up to the Israeli military , but it turns out he has a respiratory illness and ultimately failed to join the army .Eventually he studied modeling slam the steering wheel . Moran even sent to Italy and Germany to pursue that field . He also contracted designer Roberto Cavalli world to be an exclusive model .

8 . Esti Ginzburg
Esti Ginzburg was born and raised in the Bisnis Investasi Online Sebagai Lowongan Kerja, Dan Peluang Usaha Murahcapital Tel Aviv , Israel . Family background have higher education and his father was the architect behind Zahala greatest tourist attractions in Tel Aviv .Since childhood Esti has become a model for fashion brand children of the world . Coming teenager believed he had brought a number of clothing designers like Burberry and Castro .

9 . Orly Levy
This is her most sexy Israeli politicians and invite men lust . Bandar Terbesar Situs Togel Online TerpercayaOrly Levy is a member of the Israeli Knesset parliament after dabbling in modeling and television host .
Exotic face , women most exciting known Jew in the Middle East countries . Most of them lined up to be a model , television host , and Forum terbesar di indonesiaother professions such elegance and accentuate the body .
Not only beautiful , they are also known because of his intelligence in various fields . Reporting from site , the 10 women he most handsome Jew and known universal . Here's his review .1 . Neri Oxman
Neri Oxman an architect , researcher , building designers , and engineers . He blend of beauty and intelligence . Oxman also a humanitarian actors , especially about women grapevine .Born in Israel , Jew thick , Oxman became a teaching assistant for the department of science and technology development . He worked in government agencies that develop in accordance with the urban environment and greening .Oxman also became the most influential women in Israel . He never held an exhibition in the United States , France , and China .

2 . Eva Green
KAISARBET.COM AGEN BOLA TERPERCAYA PIALA DUNIA 2014 Green is mentioned the most beautiful celebrities in the world . He was Jewish -born French . However, he did not want to confess about his faith . He chose to believe in God without any further talk of religion was followed.Eva was chosen to be the girl in the James Bond movie Casino Royale . Many people claim him to be the most beautiful woman in the history of the bond that movie .

3 . Dianna Agron
Born and raised in the United States , but Dianna Agron has Jewish blood viscous . His parents emigrated from Israel and met in the Superpower . As a child , his talent in acting was in sight . He also became a star at the school and led the cheerleading group . Her beauty makes men subject .But Agron had unpleasant experiences . While sitting in elementary school , he never felt the violence and harassment of those who are anti- Semitic .

4 . Bar Refaeli

Supermodel Bar Refaeli became the best selling universal and includes one of the most perfect women's magazine FHM UK output in 2009 .Her relationship with famous actor Leonardo DiCaprio also raised modellingnya career . Because of this relationship , he sent a letter by the national organization of Jewish Israelis not to marry those who are not Jewish .

5 . Gal Gadot
Gal Gadot was born in the city of Rosh Haayin ,

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Israel . He is known because her role in the movie Fast & Furious . Gadot also won the event 's daughter beauty of Israel in 2004 and became the Zionist State representative in the race daughter aka Miss Universe .Gadot famous in his homeland . Popular addition , he is also known as a controversial and labeled pornographic by some celebrity among members of the Israeli parliament , the Knesset .

6 . Emmy Rossum
Emmy Rossum is a famous theater performers from Israel . He was raised by a single parent mother that educates Rossum loving but disciplined .Since childhood , Rossum had follow- play theater in six languages ​​. He was finally lined up to play in the most prestigious universal script , Phantom of the Opera in the film version .

7 . Moran Atias
Moran Atias is an Israeli supermodel mother and father were Jewish Morocco . In his teens , Moran has signed up to the Israeli military , but it turns out he has a respiratory illness and ultimately failed to join the army .Eventually he studied modeling slam the steering wheel . Moran even sent to Italy and Germany to pursue that field . He also contracted designer Roberto Cavalli world to be an exclusive model .

8 . Esti Ginzburg
Esti Ginzburg was born and raised in the Bisnis Investasi Online Sebagai Lowongan Kerja, Dan Peluang Usaha Murahcapital Tel Aviv , Israel . Family background have higher education and his father was the architect behind Zahala greatest tourist attractions in Tel Aviv .Since childhood Esti has become a model for fashion brand children of the world . Coming teenager believed he had brought a number of clothing designers like Burberry and Castro .

9 . Orly Levy
This is her most sexy Israeli politicians and invite men lust . Bandar Terbesar Situs Togel Online TerpercayaOrly Levy is a member of the Israeli Knesset parliament after dabbling in modeling and television host .
Exotic face , women most exciting known Jew in the Middle East countries
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Hello buddy , this time I would like to share about how to care for long hair so fast

Hello buddy , this time I would like to share about how to care for long hair so fast

Hello buddy , this time I would like to share about how to care for long hair so fast . Obviously you crave long and beautiful hair . Actually there is no shortcut to get beautiful and long hair . Need the discipline to take care of your Judi Poker Online Uang Asli Indonesia to suit your liking . Below are a few ways to quickly take care of long hair .

how to care for long hair so fast

Eat Nutritious Food
In order to quickly how to care for long hair , food diamakan be healthy food , because hair growth has a direct relationship with your nutritional intake . Therefore , make sure you eat foods rich in fiber and protein so that your hair follicles get all the nutrients they need . Examples of foods high in protein are fish , eggs , meat , and milk . Moreover , how to care for long hair is so rapid consumption of vitamin -rich content such as vitamin B7 biotin each day . Biotin can prevent your hair from hair loss . Do not forget to drink plenty of water and avoid stress .

Use Conditioner
The most common problems faced by the ends of long hair is often dry or chapped . To repair damaged hair like that , so every time we wear should wash hair conditioner even if we are the type of greasy hair . Oily hair conditioner also still need to maintain the hair's natural moisture . Many underestimate the benefits of a conditioner . In fact , the conditioner will keep your hair moisture needed . So help your hair grow faster .
Apply conditioner from the middle to the ends of the hair only . Let's not on our scalp , because it can make the hair more limp and dirty too fast , so it can lead to dandruff .
If you want you can try a natural conditioner with olive oil and honey . Olive oil is a natural conditioner that is rich in vitamin E and is useful for dealing with dandruff . While honey has a mineral content such as calcium , magnesium , and vitamin B which can make hair healthier .

Head Massage Routine
How to care for long hair so fast next is to massage the scalp us at least three times a week for 2 minutes every time we wash. As good as any in the massage parlor , massage regularly on your head is better . With this massage will improve blood circulation in the scalp and hair root , otherwise it removes dirt , dead skin cells and impurities that exist in our heads . You can add olive oil or walnut oil for massage . Impact, oil will seep earlier in the scalp and stimulate hair growth .
The things you should not do
Do Heats Hair
Appliances such as hair straighteners , curling and hair dryer are Bandar Judi Poker Situs Poker Online Terpercayawidely used by women to beautify hair. Be careful with the use of these tools , if you get addicted to the device , it will make your hair dull and brittle . If forced to heat the hair try not too long . Avoid hair from heat stress will be very good for hair growth in the long term .
Do not wash it every day

Shampoo can reduce the natural oils produced by the hair , and useful to nourish the hair . Reduce this habit into several times a week , eg, 3 times a week with one day lag time lapse . If you were forced to wash it every day because you work in the field , it can be helped with conditioner , hair moisture that can be maintained .
Do not dye your hair frequently
It's okay dye your hair once or maybe twice a month . But if you often change color and give chemicals on your scalp , will inhibit hair growth .
so is a way to quickly take care of long hair
Hello buddy , this time I would like to share about how to care for long hair so fast . Obviously you crave long and beautiful hair . Actually there is no shortcut to get beautiful and long hair . Need the discipline to take care of your Judi Poker Online Uang Asli Indonesia to suit your liking . Below are a few ways to quickly take care of long hair .

how to care for long hair so fast

Eat Nutritious Food
In order to quickly how to care for long hair , food diamakan be healthy food , because hair growth has a direct relationship with your nutritional intake . Therefore , make sure you eat foods rich in fiber and protein so that your hair follicles get all the nutrients they need . Examples of foods high in protein are fish , eggs , meat , and milk . Moreover , how to care for long hair is so rapid consumption of vitamin -rich content such as vitamin B7 biotin each day . Biotin can prevent your hair from hair loss . Do not forget to drink plenty of water and avoid stress .

Use Conditioner
The most common problems faced by the ends of long hair is often dry or chapped . To repair damaged hair like that , so every time we wear should wash hair conditioner even if we are the type of greasy hair . Oily hair conditioner also still need to maintain the hair's natural moisture . Many underestimate the benefits of a conditioner . In fact , the conditioner will keep your hair moisture needed . So help your hair grow faster .
Apply conditioner from the middle to the ends of the hair only . Let's not on our scalp , because it can make the hair more limp and dirty too fast , so it can lead to dandruff .
If you want you can try a natural conditioner with olive oil and honey . Olive oil is a natural conditioner that is rich in vitamin E and is useful for dealing with dandruff . While honey has a mineral content such as calcium , magnesium , and vitamin B which can make hair healthier .

Head Massage Routine
How to care for long hair so fast next is to massage the scalp us at least three times a week for 2 minutes every time we wash. As good as any in the massage parlor , massage regularly on your head is better . With this massage will improve blood circulation in the scalp and hair root , otherwise it removes dirt , dead skin cells and impurities that exist in our heads . You can add olive oil or walnut oil for massage . Impact, oil will seep earlier in the scalp and stimulate hair growth .
The things you should not do
Do Heats Hair
Appliances such as hair straighteners , curling and hair dryer are Bandar Judi Poker Situs Poker Online Terpercayawidely used by women to beautify hair. Be careful with the use of these tools , if you get addicted to the device , it will make your hair dull and brittle . If forced to heat the hair try not too long . Avoid hair from heat stress will be very good for hair growth in the long term .
Do not wash it every day

Shampoo can reduce the natural oils produced by the hair , and useful to nourish the hair . Reduce this habit into several times a week , eg, 3 times a week with one day lag time lapse . If you were forced to wash it every day because you work in the field , it can be helped with conditioner , hair moisture that can be maintained .
Do not dye your hair frequently
It's okay dye your hair once or maybe twice a month . But if you often change color and give chemicals on your scalp , will inhibit hair growth .
so is a way to quickly take care of long hair
Hello buddy , this time I would like to share about how to care for long hair so fast
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I replied innocently . Do not know , so ngalir ajah .

I replied innocently . Do not know , so ngalir ajah .

I replied innocently . Do not know , so ngalir ajah . ( cliche answer wakakakak ) . But weve right, technically if I were asked , how so that the results of our writing ( short stories or novels ) good , I always confused answer . And sometimes , Togel Singapura | Togel China | Togel Sydney | Togel Cambodia

I pinch techniques magnifying writer who has been crisscrossing . Until the end , I chose to answer , write what you want to write , find style lu , and enjoy . at least it is writing lu . Good or not , recent affairs .
And if only I was forced to explain the technical , I quote from one of his posts Scholastic Press Editor , Donna Widjajanto .
The following quotation ;
Terms manuscript is Good
By : Donna Widjajanto ( Editor Scholastic Press )

Good script is like. It's just a little bit , but hopefully this guide is quite valid .

1 . Indonesian
Let's start from that can be measured : the language . Wear good script language is good ( not necessarily true ) . This means that the continuous sentences and readable , " clean " .
Of course spelling plays a major role . And klmt - klmt that gk dsngkt - sngkat . Just what else to write SMS ? This is a big drawback of the fever-stricken teenager who else wanna-be - writers . Lame excuse : it is no editor . Hey, listen yes , it's more work than just editors mbenerin spelling , although the spelling mbenerin is part of our job . If it is too severe , of course, the script will be rejected .

Next , the sentence . Many authors who make a long-winded sentences , making the reading tired . Avoid this . A simple example : " He did not hit his brother hard . " This sentence is not wrong , but was not effective . Much more fun to read : " He hit her sister softly . "

Also avoid utterances that are too " translation " . These days with the invasion of other foreign languages ​​( not just English ) , we finished the sentence is not a sentence often use Indonesian .

2 . idea
All ideas were stale , the new is the mode of delivery . Yep, unfortunately we do not live in the 12th century , the gini almost everything is already discovered , all the stories you've been told . But how do I telling this ?

Back to our story of boy-girl hate each other but ultimately love each other , that prying Siska in the post before this . My goodness , the story was already one thousand two hundred thousand million times diceritain throughout history . Or story boy-girl love each other but the family resisted . Mmm ... remember Romeo and Juliet ? But instead of stories like this can not be told again , make dong splinter figure . For example, for the uncle that she had to defend him , or make the Romeo confused because there besides Julia Juliet . Or ... or ... there are a thousand or more.

Or if saklek Romeo - Juliet story must be challenged family , make a family dong funky , or masochistic . Or ... or ... and a million or else . Be creative , use your brain gray cells it ! Core be the same story , polesannya should be different.

One example Teenlit old but good new is Teenlit translation : The Princess and the Poor / The Princess & the Pauper , karyaKate Brian . From the title story was predictable , but the story is so boring ? On the contrary , this is one of the most exciting Teenlit I ever read .

One more thing about this idea and creativity : the beginning of the story . Still do not remember when we first told to fabricate SD ? The majority of the essay will begin with " Once upon a time I was ... ( etc. ) . " Authorship my elementary school rated good because I avoid the standard " One day ... " this . Apparently this grip now shifted to " Kring ... kriing ... Beker ring out . I opened my eyes . Oh , no ! Already seven ! Mom , why do you not wake me ? " Yep , from the 30s that our manuscript , the editors , read each month there are at least 20 that begins with the grip . As a result , just the 20th manuscript " Kring - Kring " we waste . So , start with something novel and interesting bombastic . The bomb blast , perhaps ? Scenes break up ? Kissing scene ? Hehehe ...

3 . writing
Start playing feeling , does this mean my opinion is really personal and somewhat difficult to explain factually . For me , a good novel is a novel that is " round " . This is my term , and I could feel the rounded novels of some early chapters that I read . Not because my magic yes , but if I try to think , because : ·

- The characters of his novel makes us stronger " know " them . How does the character " strong " it ? The figures clearly the physical description and character . Rival leaders in the Kingdom for example , we direct capture as a fairly tough guy , but there

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is a soft side too . Or character Ira in Beauty and the Best which models . It was easy to catch like what these figures .

- Storylines ( groove ) is strong, makes us want to know what will happen next
Some manuscripts are " rounded " and all I received was a direct lyrics Rival / Amalia , Beauty and the Best / Luna Torashyngu , danDokter , Painter , and the guy Plin-Plan/Ken Terate . It's awesome novels and I are proud to be involved in the " birth" of them .
From my own experiences and ask questions of others, the novels were born this way after careful planning . The storyline really thought , new poured . Sometimes there are elements of " magical " like his " whole story came to my self " . Yep , can not be explained by logical ... hehehe ... But I guess with a lot of practice , a magical element that can be erased . Besides persistence , keukeuh want to write to completion , " roundness " of the novel can be achieved as well .

4 . preparation

Anyway , I think that the novel is actually a " round " was also born of :

- The essay topic
How far the author knows the topic of the essay ? Are there elements of his life story in the essay ? If there Kinasih esti - example that takes a picture of his high school years in his novels - certainly easier to give a picture of life . But if not ? Find out as much as possible , both from the reference readings and interviews with people who know . Clara Ng did this interview to give a vivid picture of the area of Glodok , Jakarta for the novel Last Dimsum .

- Off-topic essay
How many books have the author read ? Read as much as possible the material , it would book a novel , nonfiction , self-help , magazines , newspapers , even though Red Light class newspaper . Reading the rich , although not directly allude essay topics , will give color to the bouquet . And will " tell " the reader how deep the author . Style of writing will be affected , and the author will appear smart - yes because he is intelligent with a wealth of reading .

Guide book on fabricated
Okay , he easily fabricated . LIE ! It's not that easy to fabricate . Even after you produce a 100 page type on the computer , make a good essay still not easy . But like all things in this day and age , there are various guide book about fiction . Some of that can be read is On Writing / Stephen King , Letters to Young Novelist / Mario Vargas Llosa , ( forget ) / Ismail à Marahimin this book so handle college Writing Popular UI , cover gray and can be purchased at the bookstore anyway . And although not technically about the novel , but can enrich life : Letters to a Young Poet / Rainier Maria Rilke .

The graffiti
When the search of Phillip Pullman , the one that appeals to me is how he feels Post - It is very important modern discovery . Why ? Because he used to write Post - It groove and novel scene , then move through the Post - It to make up stories that suit the desires . This method can disontek , or so most easily , find your own way . Maybe with cut- paste on the computer ? Maybe with scrap paper ? Although not making grooves saklek as taught in language lessons , but the author should make the graffiti .

I replied innocently . Do not know , so ngalir ajah . ( cliche answer wakakakak ) . But weve right, technically if I were asked , how so that the results of our writing ( short stories or novels ) good , I always confused answer . And sometimes , Togel Singapura | Togel China | Togel Sydney | Togel Cambodia

I pinch techniques magnifying writer who has been crisscrossing . Until the end , I chose to answer , write what you want to write , find style lu , and enjoy . at least it is writing lu . Good or not , recent affairs .
And if only I was forced to explain the technical , I quote from one of his posts Scholastic Press Editor , Donna Widjajanto .
The following quotation ;
Terms manuscript is Good
By : Donna Widjajanto ( Editor Scholastic Press )

Good script is like. It's just a little bit , but hopefully this guide is quite valid .

1 . Indonesian
Let's start from that can be measured : the language . Wear good script language is good ( not necessarily true ) . This means that the continuous sentences and readable , " clean " .
Of course spelling plays a major role . And klmt - klmt that gk dsngkt - sngkat . Just what else to write SMS ? This is a big drawback of the fever-stricken teenager who else wanna-be - writers . Lame excuse : it is no editor . Hey, listen yes , it's more work than just editors mbenerin spelling , although the spelling mbenerin is part of our job . If it is too severe , of course, the script will be rejected .

Next , the sentence . Many authors who make a long-winded sentences , making the reading tired . Avoid this . A simple example : " He did not hit his brother hard . " This sentence is not wrong , but was not effective . Much more fun to read : " He hit her sister softly . "

Also avoid utterances that are too " translation " . These days with the invasion of other foreign languages ​​( not just English ) , we finished the sentence is not a sentence often use Indonesian .

2 . idea
All ideas were stale , the new is the mode of delivery . Yep, unfortunately we do not live in the 12th century , the gini almost everything is already discovered , all the stories you've been told . But how do I telling this ?

Back to our story of boy-girl hate each other but ultimately love each other , that prying Siska in the post before this . My goodness , the story was already one thousand two hundred thousand million times diceritain throughout history . Or story boy-girl love each other but the family resisted . Mmm ... remember Romeo and Juliet ? But instead of stories like this can not be told again , make dong splinter figure . For example, for the uncle that she had to defend him , or make the Romeo confused because there besides Julia Juliet . Or ... or ... there are a thousand or more.

Or if saklek Romeo - Juliet story must be challenged family , make a family dong funky , or masochistic . Or ... or ... and a million or else . Be creative , use your brain gray cells it ! Core be the same story , polesannya should be different.

One example Teenlit old but good new is Teenlit translation : The Princess and the Poor / The Princess & the Pauper , karyaKate Brian . From the title story was predictable , but the story is so boring ? On the contrary , this is one of the most exciting Teenlit I ever read .

One more thing about this idea and creativity : the beginning of the story . Still do not remember when we first told to fabricate SD ? The majority of the essay will begin with " Once upon a time I was ... ( etc. ) . " Authorship my elementary school rated good because I avoid the standard " One day ... " this . Apparently this grip now shifted to " Kring ... kriing ... Beker ring out . I opened my eyes . Oh , no ! Already seven ! Mom , why do you not wake me ? " Yep , from the 30s that our manuscript , the editors , read each month there are at least 20 that begins with the grip . As a result , just the 20th manuscript " Kring - Kring " we waste . So , start with something novel and interesting bombastic . The bomb blast , perhaps ? Scenes break up ? Kissing scene ? Hehehe ...

3 . writing
Start playing feeling , does this mean my opinion is really personal and somewhat difficult to explain factually . For me , a good novel is a novel that is " round " . This is my term , and I could feel the rounded novels of some early chapters that I read . Not because my magic yes , but if I try to think , because : ·

- The characters of his novel makes us stronger " know " them . How does the character " strong " it ? The figures clearly the physical description and character . Rival leaders in the Kingdom for example , we direct capture as a fairly tough guy , but there

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is a soft side too . Or character Ira in Beauty and the Best which models . It was easy to catch like what these figures .

- Storylines ( groove ) is strong, makes us want to know what will happen next
Some manuscripts are " rounded " and all I received was a direct lyrics Rival / Amalia , Beauty and the Best / Luna Torashyngu , danDokter , Painter , and the guy Plin-Plan/Ken Terate . It's awesome novels and I are proud to be involved in the " birth" of them .
From my own experiences and ask questions of others, the novels were born this way after careful planning . The storyline really thought , new poured . Sometimes there are elements of " magical " like his " whole story came to my self " . Yep , can not be explained by logical ... hehehe ... But I guess with a lot of practice , a magical element that can be erased . Besides persistence , keukeuh want to write to completion , " roundness " of the novel can be achieved as well .

4 . preparation

Anyway , I think that the novel is actually a " round " was also born of :

- The essay topic
How far the author knows the topic of the essay ? Are there elements of his life story in the essay ? If there Kinasih esti - example that takes a picture of his high school years in his novels - certainly easier to give a picture of life . But if not ? Find out as much as possible , both from the reference readings and interviews with people who know . Clara Ng did this interview to give a vivid picture of the area of Glodok , Jakarta for the novel Last Dimsum .

- Off-topic essay
How many books have the author read ? Read as much as possible the material , it would book a novel , nonfiction , self-help , magazines , newspapers , even though Red Light class newspaper . Reading the rich , although not directly allude essay topics , will give color to the bouquet . And will " tell " the reader how deep the author . Style of writing will be affected , and the author will appear smart - yes because he is intelligent with a wealth of reading .

Guide book on fabricated
Okay , he easily fabricated . LIE ! It's not that easy to fabricate . Even after you produce a 100 page type on the computer , make a good essay still not easy . But like all things in this day and age , there are various guide book about fiction . Some of that can be read is On Writing / Stephen King , Letters to Young Novelist / Mario Vargas Llosa , ( forget ) / Ismail à Marahimin this book so handle college Writing Popular UI , cover gray and can be purchased at the bookstore anyway . And although not technically about the novel , but can enrich life : Letters to a Young Poet / Rainier Maria Rilke .

The graffiti
When the search of Phillip Pullman , the one that appeals to me is how he feels Post - It is very important modern discovery . Why ? Because he used to write Post - It groove and novel scene , then move through the Post - It to make up stories that suit the desires . This method can disontek , or so most easily , find your own way . Maybe with cut- paste on the computer ? Maybe with scrap paper ? Although not making grooves saklek as taught in language lessons , but the author should make the graffiti .

I replied innocently . Do not know , so ngalir ajah .
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ikwesị ntụkwasị obi -agụ akwụkwọ na akaụntụ m

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Mma , ikwesị ntụkwasị obi -agụ akwụkwọ na akaụntụ m , m n'aka na unu bụ ndị dị nnọọ okoyom ndifiọk ke ọdịnaya m ndetu oge nke a si na aha na -egosi na gị na mgbidi.Tupu anyị ga-esi banye na-atụle ga-esi akpa nsusu , ọ bụ ihe amamihe na-agụ na nsusu na mmetụta nke ụmụ nwanyị chee .Ozugbo susuo ... akpata On Brain WomenKe mbre na onye òtù ọlụlụ , susuo karịa nsusu . Ọ bụ uto ule. Silva nwere ụmụ irighiri ihe niile gland ngwa ke idem , ntre nsusu na na aba na-egosi na " ekpomeekpo " anyị ndu konsisi .Ọ bụ ezie na ị na- kissing , imetụ ire ire inyom , ozi gbasara ahụike na ọrịa ọ bụla dị n'akụkụ na- anakọtara na nzuzo zitere ụbụrụ gị na ha abụọ.Ọ bụrụ na ụmụ nwaanyị nwere site n'usoro nke oke yiri susuo gị maa na-na na eweghi iwe , ọ pụrụ ịbụ breaker mmekọahụ kwekọrịtara. Otú ọ dị, ọ bụrụ na nsusu ama ụtọ , ọ na- ọzọ ma ọzọ.Ọkà mmụta sayensị chọpụtara na e nwere ọtụtụ ndị bioactive TESTORESTERON ke asu nke mmadụ , o nwere ike rụọ ọrụ agụụ emmepe na ụbụrụ ndị inyom. ( Nwoke Brain )Ọfọn, ugbu a, i mara ka esi ike utịp kissing nwanyi ụbụrụ, ma ugbu a, na ọ dị ka gị, gị achọghị susuo n'ihi na ị bụ pious , ma ọ bụ na ị susuo wee mee ka ndị inyom gbaa ọsọ gị.Oke bụ nke gị ...Ọfọn, ugbu a, anyị na- abịa na-atụle ga-esi akpa nsusu si nwaanyị ị hụrụ n'anya ma ọ bụ ma eleghị anya na nwanyị na dị nnọọ zutere .Usoro anyị na-eji bụ Usoro HIPNOTIC StateHIPNOTIC ala ebe a abụghị otu ihe na hypnosis ị na-ahụ na ihe nkiri UYA Weve Kuya , na hypnotizing nwaanyị nwere ike ịgwa ya na -eme ihe anyị na- inginkan.Bukan Ọ Bro .. ! HIPNOTIC ala Tekink ihe atụ nke na- ejikarị na TV ọkwa ngwahịa na ịhụ na woo ndị na-ege ntị na-eche ihe na-ege ntị na menyaksikan.Anda mgbe na-ele nri show na nkeonwe TV ọdụ (dịka ihe omume unu banyere n'obodo Osi nri na Trans TV ). Lee ya ịbụ sampled efere , mgbe mangatakan " uenak ", mgbe na-egosi kenenakan ahu asụsụ n'ezie , nke na-eme ka -eche otú ahụ agụụ na-agụ ma na-achọ a uto nke nri.Na ihe atụ HIPNOTIC ala ,Nke a na Usoro a na- ejikarị na ntuli aka , ke esop , wdgỌfọn , didie ke banyere anyị na-eme nke a Usoro nke mere na ọ ga- susuo anyị.Ozugbo, Bro.M ekwe nkwa a Usoro ga- aga nke ọma ma ọ bụrụ na gị na indentation kwesịrị ekwesị , ebe a bụ Momennya N'eziokwu, N'eziokwu, Ezi Isi Chemisterynya na Languagenya .Ọfọn, ma eleghị anya ị na -emekarị òkù umunwanyi a kama dị jụụ , ebe ọ bụ na -eme njem nleta ntụpọ ahụ na-ahapụ gị ime nsusu , ọ bụrụ na ọnọdụ ahụ ga-ekwe omume , ihe mbụ bụ iji mee ka a na-achị ọchị ma na-eme nwaanyị n'etiti mkparịta ụka a :girl : Hihihihi ... ( girl na- na-amụrụ amụ )Ihọd : ... ( na ị na mberede nkịtị )girl : Gịnị esie ike ? ? ?Ihọd : anyị na- na na na , chịrị ọchị ketiwi , Judi poker Online Uang Asli Indonesia

ama -enwe na-atọ ụtọ , ọ na- ele dị egwu ma ọ bụrụ na anyị na- adịghị susuo .>> Ọ bụrụ na oge koodu bụ ya n'anya , dị ka nkịtị na menantap gị kpọrọ ihe, bịakwutere wee susuo Togel Singapura | Togel China | Togel Sydney | Togel Cambodia

Mma , ikwesị ntụkwasị obi -agụ akwụkwọ na akaụntụ m , m n'aka na unu bụ ndị dị nnọọ okoyom ndifiọk ke ọdịnaya m ndetu oge nke a si na aha na -egosi na gị na mgbidi.Tupu anyị ga-esi banye na-atụle ga-esi akpa nsusu , ọ bụ ihe amamihe na-agụ na nsusu na mmetụta nke ụmụ nwanyị chee .Ozugbo susuo ... akpata On Brain WomenKe mbre na onye òtù ọlụlụ , susuo karịa nsusu . Ọ bụ uto ule. Silva nwere ụmụ irighiri ihe niile gland ngwa ke idem , ntre nsusu na na aba na-egosi na " ekpomeekpo " anyị ndu konsisi .Ọ bụ ezie na ị na- kissing , imetụ ire ire inyom , ozi gbasara ahụike na ọrịa ọ bụla dị n'akụkụ na- anakọtara na nzuzo zitere ụbụrụ gị na ha abụọ.Ọ bụrụ na ụmụ nwaanyị nwere site n'usoro nke oke yiri susuo gị maa na-na na eweghi iwe , ọ pụrụ ịbụ breaker mmekọahụ kwekọrịtara. Otú ọ dị, ọ bụrụ na nsusu ama ụtọ , ọ na- ọzọ ma ọzọ.Ọkà mmụta sayensị chọpụtara na e nwere ọtụtụ ndị bioactive TESTORESTERON ke asu nke mmadụ , o nwere ike rụọ ọrụ agụụ emmepe na ụbụrụ ndị inyom. ( Nwoke Brain )Ọfọn, ugbu a, i mara ka esi ike utịp kissing nwanyi ụbụrụ, ma ugbu a, na ọ dị ka gị, gị achọghị susuo n'ihi na ị bụ pious , ma ọ bụ na ị susuo wee mee ka ndị inyom gbaa ọsọ gị.Oke bụ nke gị ...Ọfọn, ugbu a, anyị na- abịa na-atụle ga-esi akpa nsusu si nwaanyị ị hụrụ n'anya ma ọ bụ ma eleghị anya na nwanyị na dị nnọọ zutere .Usoro anyị na-eji bụ Usoro HIPNOTIC StateHIPNOTIC ala ebe a abụghị otu ihe na hypnosis ị na-ahụ na ihe nkiri UYA Weve Kuya , na hypnotizing nwaanyị nwere ike ịgwa ya na -eme ihe anyị na- inginkan.Bukan Ọ Bro .. ! HIPNOTIC ala Tekink ihe atụ nke na- ejikarị na TV ọkwa ngwahịa na ịhụ na woo ndị na-ege ntị na-eche ihe na-ege ntị na menyaksikan.Anda mgbe na-ele nri show na nkeonwe TV ọdụ (dịka ihe omume unu banyere n'obodo Osi nri na Trans TV ). Lee ya ịbụ sampled efere , mgbe mangatakan " uenak ", mgbe na-egosi kenenakan ahu asụsụ n'ezie , nke na-eme ka -eche otú ahụ agụụ na-agụ ma na-achọ a uto nke nri.Na ihe atụ HIPNOTIC ala ,Nke a na Usoro a na- ejikarị na ntuli aka , ke esop , wdgỌfọn , didie ke banyere anyị na-eme nke a Usoro nke mere na ọ ga- susuo anyị.Ozugbo, Bro.M ekwe nkwa a Usoro ga- aga nke ọma ma ọ bụrụ na gị na indentation kwesịrị ekwesị , ebe a bụ Momennya N'eziokwu, N'eziokwu, Ezi Isi Chemisterynya na Languagenya .Ọfọn, ma eleghị anya ị na -emekarị òkù umunwanyi a kama dị jụụ , ebe ọ bụ na -eme njem nleta ntụpọ ahụ na-ahapụ gị ime nsusu , ọ bụrụ na ọnọdụ ahụ ga-ekwe omume , ihe mbụ bụ iji mee ka a na-achị ọchị ma na-eme nwaanyị n'etiti mkparịta ụka a :girl : Hihihihi ... ( girl na- na-amụrụ amụ )Ihọd : ... ( na ị na mberede nkịtị )girl : Gịnị esie ike ? ? ?Ihọd : anyị na- na na na , chịrị ọchị ketiwi , Judi poker Online Uang Asli Indonesia

ama -enwe na-atọ ụtọ , ọ na- ele dị egwu ma ọ bụrụ na anyị na- adịghị susuo .>> Ọ bụrụ na oge koodu bụ ya n'anya , dị ka nkịtị na menantap gị kpọrọ ihe, bịakwutere wee susuo
ikwesị ntụkwasị obi -agụ akwụkwọ na akaụntụ m
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